We have a list of what we take and do not take on the materials page. You can also download a printable list here. We suggest sorting your materials before you get to the center, but if you don’t that is not a problem.
When you get to the center, read the signs and they will tell you what recyclable goes where. If you need help, ask one of our volunteers.
No, the code on items just says what it’s made of, not whether it can actually be recycled. We take everything that we say we can, but the rest goes to landfills.
Next time you are at the center, look at the of bales of materials waiting to be shipped out. These stacks of plastic, paper and metals are prepared to be sent out to make car parts, carpeting, winter coats, boxes, office paper, envelopes, more bottles, cans and more. We process and send out everything we say we take, often times to local businesses.
After collection, materials are baled and shipped to local companies near Wichita for processing into new products. Click to view a document that provides detailed information about the types of products made from recycled materials.
Hiring staff to sort materials would be too expensive and we could not stay open. We need materials sorted by category because mixing items often spoils some materials. If this happens, everything could get trashed instead of recycled, which is what happens with many trash company recycling programs.
No, we never sell to overseas buyers. Most buyers are within 100 miles from Wichita. Glass goes to McPherson, paper goes to International Paper in Wichita and to Georgia Pacific in Muskogee, Oklahoma and plastic mostly goes to east to make carpeting, plastic wood, car parts or bottles.
Yes! We serve surrounding areas, not just Wichita.
Trash companies want to keep things simple and not answer too many questions. They can easily take all your plastic, then shuttle the nonrecyclable items over to the trash side if they cannot use it.
We only take what we can process and actually send out for recycling.
No, but hazardous waste materials can be taken to the Sedgwick County Household Hazardous Waste Facility located at 801 Stillwell, Wichita, KS. Phone: (316) 660-7464.
View the Sedgwick County Recycling Guide for more information on where to take other materials we do not accept: https://www.sedgwickcounty.org/environment/recycling-guide/.
We are closed if the forecast high temperature for the day is 25 degrees or below.
Volunteers mainly help with recycling center operations. They help our recyclers unload their cars and find the right spots to put everything. They bale materials, sort out what doesn’t belong, keep the place clean. Volunteers are also needed for some administrative tasks and for our education program.
Visit the support page for more information or email volunteers@prokansasrecycling.org if you have any other questions.
To volunteer, you will need to fill out a volunteer application form and email it to volunteers@prokansasrecycling.org. Visit the support page for more information.
Yes, we do tours outside of our normal operation hours (TUE/ THUR 1-4 p.m. and SAT 9-3 p.m.). To schedule a tour, email the education director at education@prokansasrecycling.org. To learn more, visit the education page.
Any other questions? Email information@prokansasrecycling.org